50+ Gravit Designer Keyboard Shortcuts
Gravit Designer is a versatile design application for vector graphics, illustration, and UI/UX design. It offers powerful tools for professionals and hobbyists to create stunning visuals. Learning Gravit Designer keyboard shortcuts enhances productivity and simplifies design workflows.
Official URL: https://www.designer.io/
Pan across the canvas
Zoom in
Zoom out
Fit canvas to screen
Zoom to 100%
Drawing Tools
Draw a rectangle
Draw an ellipse
Activate the Pen tool
Draw a line
Add text
Object Editing
Group selected objects
Ungroup selected objects
Duplicate the selected object
Delete the selected object
Send object to the back
Bring the layer forward
Send the layer backward
Bring the layer to the front
Send the layer to the back
Select all objects
Undo the last action
Redo the last undone action
Save the document
Open an existing document
Create a new document
Gravit Designer
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