Microsoft OneNote Keyboard Shortcuts
Microsoft OneNote is a versatile digital notebook that allows users to capture notes, organize content, and collaborate with others. Keyboard shortcuts enhance navigation, note formatting, and tagging efficiency.
Official URL:
Go to a section
⌘ (Command)+G
Go back to the previous page
⌥ (Option)+Arrow Left
Go forward to the next page
⌥ (Option)+Arrow Right
Switch to the next section
⌘ (Command)+Tab
Note Formatting
Apply bold formatting
⌘ (Command)+B
Apply italic formatting
⌘ (Command)+I
Apply underline formatting
⌘ (Command)+U
Add a bulleted list
⌘ (Command)+Shift+L
Add a numbered list
⌘ (Command)+Shift+N
Mark as To-Do
⌘ (Command)+1
Mark as Important
⌘ (Command)+2
Mark as Question
⌘ (Command)+3
Clear all tags from selection
⌘ (Command)+Shift+K
Save changes
⌘ (Command)+S
Print current page
⌘ (Command)+P
Exit OneNote
⌘ (Command)+Q
Cancel current action
Microsoft OneNote
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