Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts
Adobe Illustrator is the go-to software for vector graphic design, widely used in logo creation, illustrations, and typography. Its precision tools enable creatives to produce scalable designs effortlessly. Mastering keyboard shortcuts in Illustrator accelerates workflows, improving productivity in designing and editing.
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Work with Layers
Create new layer
⌘ (Command) + L
Bring layer forward
⌘ (Command) + ]
Send layer backward
⌘ (Command) + [
Bring layer to front
⌘ (Command) + Shift + ]
Send layer to back
⌘ (Command) + Shift + [
Center align objects
⌘ (Command) + Option + C
Align top edges
⌘ (Command) + Option + T
Align bottom edges
⌘ (Command) + Option + B
Align left edges
⌘ (Command) + Option + L
Align right edges
⌘ (Command) + Option + R
Guides and Grids
Show/Hide guides
⌘ (Command) + ;
Lock/Unlock guides
⌘ (Command) + Shift + ;
Show/Hide grid
⌘ (Command) + '
Snap to grid
⌘ (Command) + Shift + '
Path Editing
Join selected paths
⌘ (Command) + Option + J
Split selected path
⌘ (Command) + /
Hide edges
Shift + ⌘ (Command) + H
Open Pathfinder panel
⌘ (Command) + Option + K
Adobe Illustrator
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