50+ Canva Keyboard Shortcuts
Canva is a user-friendly online design platform offering tools for creating stunning graphics, presentations, and social media visuals. It is widely used by professionals and beginners alike. Learning Canva keyboard shortcuts can boost productivity and streamline the design process.
Official URL: https://www.canva.com/
Undo the last action
Redo the last undone action
Zoom in
Zoom out
Pan across the canvas
Design Tools
Insert a rectangle
Insert a circle
Insert text
Insert a line
Duplicate selected object
Text Editing
Apply bold formatting to selected text
Apply italic formatting to selected text
Underline selected text
Increase font size
Decrease font size
Bring the selected layer forward
Send the selected layer backward
Bring the selected layer to the front
Send the selected layer to the back
Select all objects on the canvas
Delete the selected object
Group selected objects
Ungroup selected objects
Deselect all objects
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