44+ Google Chrome Browser Keyboard Shortcuts
Google Chrome, a fast and powerful browser developed by Google, provides seamless integration with Google services, extensive extensions, and cross-platform compatibility. Chrome is designed to deliver efficient web browsing with advanced developer tools and privacy options. Utilizing keyboard shortcuts in Google Chrome speeds up tasks like tab switching, navigation, and browser settings control on both Windows and macOS.
Official URL: https://www.google.com/chrome/
Tab Management
Open a new tab
⌘ + T
Reopen the last closed tab
⌘ + Shift + T
Switch to the next tab
⌘ + Option + Right Arrow
Switch to the previous tab
⌘ + Option + Left Arrow
Switch to a specific tab
⌘ + 1-8
Switch to the last tab
⌘ + 9
Browser Navigation
Go back / forward in history
⌘ + [⌘ + ]
Close current tab
⌘ + W
Close entire window
⌘ + Shift + W
Open a new window
⌘ + N
Open a new incognito window
⌘ + Shift + N